Sunday, April 11, 2010

Good times

This past weekend Matts mom, Lisa, and little brother, Jaren, came into town. It was so good to see them!! We hung out, ate good food and played around alot.

One of the best things we did was head up to Red Rock and letter box. This is kinda like treasure hunting. What you do, is you get a letter box off the internet follow the directions (dont forget your compass!!) and wha la! (if the directions dont suck) you have yourself a letter box!!

We looked for 3 but were only able to find one. It was a blast to hang out with everyone and it was so much fun to look for the letter boxs!!

This is some beautiful red rocks.

We had to have lunch in the car due to it being
VERY windy!!!

This is my awesome sister in law Sheridon

its a letter box!! We found it!!

These were all over Red Rock. They are sacks filled with these worms... weird...

The night before we went to Red Rock we went to Chuck E Cheese and had a blast!!

Wyatt driving

Jaren playing a driving game

Wyatt and daddy sharing a much needed drink

Uncle Matt harassing Wyatt

Lisa enjoying the company :)

All in all it was a really great Easter weekend